Thursday, March 1, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Well, we have all heard the term "Spring Cleaning" before, but this year, it has a whole new meaning for me! Our house has been for sale now for a year and a half and with a new baby on the way, we feel like we are watching the clock tick by and have no clue what God's plan is for where He wants us to live. Chris and I had a huge "come to Jesus" talk about it the other night and both agreed that the #1 issue with our house is there is just too much crap everywhere. Closets, attic, shed, you name it, it's packed full! We agreed that it is going to take a commitment on our parts to tackle all these crazy areas so that #1 if we do sell the house, we would actually be ready to move and #2 it will make our current living situation seem so much less chaotic! I started with a cabinet of movies/games in the playroom yesterday. I figured it would be fairly straight forward. I bought a CD case at Walmart today and took every DVD, all 78 of them, and put them inside and tossed the cases. Wow! I have a huge cabinet now!

Today, I tackled a cabinet in the kitchen that is a "catch-all" and 4 drawers. Slowly but surely I will get this done. Tomorrow morning I am going to go through all the boys' clothes in the attic and guess what??? Give them ALL AWAY! That is going to feel like Christmas to me because I truly do love getting rid of stuff I don't need anymore. My sister in law is getting a big ole delivery on Sunday for my nephew that should be here in just a few short weeks! I will keep you posted on how it goes. You can be my accountability partners! :) Anyway, my goal is to get most all of the closets and drawers and attic done in March while I am still feeling good and it's not too hot. On another bright note, my trip to Sam's today sure did look different than normal! :)
So fun to see some tiny girlie clothes around here! Hope everyone has had a great week!
Happy Friday!

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