Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tree of Glory

This year between Pinterest and Pottery Barn catalogs, I decided to do a Thankful tree for the boys. Grady is really getting into drawing so he was really excited. We gathered our supplies and sat down to get to work. I attempted to draw the tree while Grady cut out 120 leaves and Davis colored the trunk. It turned out pretty cute and Grady decided to name it the Tree of Glory. That boy knows how to put a dramatic flare on anything, even a cruddy drawing of a tree from non-artsy, right brained Mama! Anyway, the whole point is for us to stop each day and think of something or someone that we are thankful for and add them to the branches. We are trying to do no repeats but somehow Davis is not catching onto that. Grady has been good about helping him come up with new ideas tho. In this world of me, me, me and what do I get and when do I get it, I think it is so important to just stop and say a simple Thank You to God for all the blessings he has given us. Even in the darkest of times, there are still blessings. We just have to make the choice to SEE them. I hope everyone has had wonderful month of Thanksgiving and enjoys time with family and friends tomorrow!!

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