Well, two more weeks have flown by. It's looking like the blog may be Gwyn's only baby book so please ignore the boring details that will be scattered over the next few months that are really just for me to remember what life was like when she was so tiny! She was one month old yesterday and just as we knew would be the case, we can't imagine life without her! She sleeps great still, some nights waking up once and other nights she has even gone from 11-7! Evenings and nights are definitely her "witching hour," but she is beginning to calm down some during the day. She started smiling more and more this past week and is beginning to really be able to focus her eyes better. She seems to love being around lots of noise, which is no big surprise seeing as how that's all she heard in the womb. The "newness" has definitely not worn off yet for the boys. They both still wake up wanting to hold her and kiss her. Grady is a huge help with her and has perfected rocking her and getting her to take her paci. He held her last week for me while I cooked dinner. The funniest part was when I went in to get her from him so he could go eat he said, "I was starting to feel like a slave in here so I'm glad my food is ready." As you can imagine, I was cracking up!
I did a little mini photo shoot with Gwyn on her 1 month birthday and even got one of her smiling! Thought I would share a few more of my favs.
I've been meaning to blog about this since last week, but just never got around to sitting down to do it. Last Tuesday was Davis' first day of 3 year old preschool at Isle of Hope Methodist. The morning started out like this...
and then quickly began to spiral downward as we got in the car and were met with a high pitched squeal louder than Gwyn could ever dream of making. I quickly switched all the car seats and loot over to the trusty dusty Yukon and away we went. Not only was it Davis' first day, but it was my 4 week post-delivery check up too, so after screaming Gwyn and sweating mommy dropped off Davis, we raced to make it to my appointment. Once the humiliation of nursing and holding a baby while getting a check up was over, it was already time for Davis to get out of school so I headed back to the dreaded carpool line. After idling for about 3 minutes, I was reminded that the good ole Yukon's AC, yes that is air
freakin conditioner, does not work if you sit still for longer than a few minutes. With sweat dripping down my legs I sat and waited for my little man. His teacher made my day when she told me he was such a "love bug" as she loaded him in the car. I felt like it was such a blessing that already she could see his heart despite his sometimes crazy exterior. :) Now from here the day just got a little crazier but thankfully Bena, my mom, saved the day by meeting us at Grady's school to load into her air conditioned van to grab some lunch, make it to Chris' office in time to sign some paper work, and then make it out to Dutch Island to show the boys the house we are BUYING! Yep that's right, we finally found a house which will be another post for another day, but I will just say it is a complete answer to prayer and truly a dream come true for our family. On the way home, Davis finally bit the dust and gave in to the utter exhaustion that pretty much summed up the day. Oh but we are not done there. When he woke up, he had a fever!! Great, just great! So as I am taking care of him, Gwyn proceeds to scream her lungs out for no good reason at all and thankfully, Daddy made it home before my head spun off my shoulders. We called a tow truck to get my car taken care of so our day ended looking like this...

Thankfully, this is not the norm for my days, but it was one I want to always remember I made it through. :) Hope everyone has a great week ahead!
Girl, that's a CRAZY day! Glad every one is not like that. Let me know if I can help you on days like those. I am happy to hang out with someone for a bit to break up the day.