this year, and even though I have read Genesis a number of times and even done a small study on it, I know God will have so much to teach me this year. Today, my favorite point was this.
"God's people have the opportunity to be a part of something really big and our small daily choices show how much we VALUE God's plan for our lives and His purposes for His Kingdom. The opportunity to walk with God is His GIFT to us."
Davis and Gwyn get to go with me this year, and for Davis especially this will be an awesome activity because not only do they teach them the Bible but also, all the teachers pray for each child and their salvation. In this world, parents need every bit of extra prayer they can get for their children and for that I am thankful.
Now I thought I would leave you with a little laugh for the day. After the little photo shoot I did with Gwyn on her 1 month birthday, the boys decided they wanted a shoot of their own. :) First we made crowns and decorated them and then it was posing time! It told them they were the Kings of Crazy Land. They are hilarious!
Please note Davis' crown is upside down in some pics...absolutely perfect!!

And of course, I couldn't leave Gwynnie out!!
Grady is cracking me up.