Here's a little semi bullet point run down to get you all caught up to speed!
* On Monday August 6th while I was taking a shower to head up to the hospital for my induction, the boys jammed the door shut to Davis' room during their "rest time". I get out of the shower to hear them screaming "Help Mama!!" I had to call Chris to come home from work. We were both sweating and the boys were crying! We ended up talking Grady through opening the window and out they climbed. One of our friends had to come to the rescue that night to fix the door while we raced to the hospital to get there for our 5 PM check-in.
* After getting settled in, the boys came up to visit me before bed. I loved getting to see them but Davis was less than thrilled about me being in a weird bed and asked "what's that dwess mama?"
When he was leaving, he apparently had a melt down over a hospital glove not going on his fingers right and when Chris picked him up, his cell phone fell out of its holder. After he noticed and went back, it was too late. We tracked it's location on the Ipad and found that it was now about 15 miles from the hospital. A buddy of ours went to check out the location and this is what he found. Something told us we wouldn't be getting that phone back!!
* Then night time came and of course I couldn't sleep even though I had remembered my trusty noise machine. I might have had a mini breakdown and told Chris that if the crazy day we had had was any indication of how things were going to go with Gwyn's birth, then I just didn't want to wake up. Ambien did the trick though and Chris said I was snoring in no time! 4:45 came bright and early and I was up and at em' to get a shower and start the Pitocin at 6:00 AM. At about 9:30 I began to say things like, "If I don't get an epidural right now I'm gonna start cussing at ever nurse that walks in this room" and Chris new it was time to speak up so Anesthesia was called. :)
* 10:00 epidural in and working like a dream, Dr. B broke my water and all seemed fine except little miss was still pretty high. They turned me on my side and Chris was about to go grab some lunch when I thought hmmm something is feeling kinda funny. My nurse checked and I was ready to push! So no lunch for daddy but I couldn't eat either so I didn't feel too sorry for him.
* Dr. B arrived and after pushing for maybe 3 minutes at 11:49 AM on August 7th, little Gwyndolyn Anna Witherington was on my chest! She was HUGE and blue/purple and I have to admit I was a little bit horrified yet in love all at once. :) It just amazes me what a miracle birth is and that somehow this little life grew inside my body. We called Sarah back to get some pictures of her brand new!
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Same exact weight as her big brother Davis! She was 20 1/4 inches long. |
* Then it was time for Gwyn to meet her big brothers! They were so excited and looked precious in their Big Brother shirts! It made me laugh because I remember when Davis was born, Grady came in to meet him and then wanted to see my tummy. It was like he couldn't believe he had really come out of there. After Davis had seen Gwyn and climbed up in my lap, he asked to see my tummy. It brought back so many sweet memories!
* Davis watched as the nurses put on her first diaper, took her tiny footprints and dressed her in a little newborn gown. This was his face when Sarah told him to hold up the sign! Priceless!!
* We moved down to our Mother/Baby room and then I just sat back and enjoyed the visitors. Aaaahhh how I do love company! It was so much fun! Our first night was surreal but great and this was what I got to look at when I woke up! Warms this mama's heart! I can't wait to see Chris get to be a daddy to a little girl too. What a blessing!!
* Lots and Lots of Pictures!
Birthday Girls! Gwyn was born on her Great Aunt Ava's birthday! |
Uncle Gary came to visit too and I even got a picture! |
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Uncle to the 3rd degree! Old Pro! |
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Sarah is always behind the camera but I actually got one of her for a change! |
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Striking a pose already! |
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1st Family of Five Photo!! |
Getting ready to head home in her pretty purple dress that Mimi made!!
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Car ride home...can you tell purple is Mommy's favorite color?? :) |
First night at home with her big brothers!
First walk on the Bluff!
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Getting some Grady snuggles all rolled up in a ball! |
First bath! Daddy always gives our babies their first bath!
Hope got to meet her new sister. She was less than thrilled as you can see! :) |
1st golf cart ride!! |
Mooma/Grams (my grandmother) came to visit and we had to get a picture because there are now 4 generations of "Anna's"
Anna Elizabeth, Gwyndolyn Anna, Shirley Anna, Anna Bena |

One week old already!!!!! Please slow down time!
* On top of all this excitement, Grady started kindergarten this morning at my Alma mater Savannah Christian Prep! He looked so cute in his little Raider uniform and seemed to have an absolute blast!
Cousins! |
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Best buddies! |
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