Well, it's back to the ole grind today! :) The boys were on Spring Break last week and it was chaotic and tiring, but LOTS of fun too. We were able to do things we don't normally get to do, which is always a major treat! First, let me say, we welcomed a new little baby into the Witherington side of the family on March 9th. Chris' sister and brother in law had a precious baby boy named Stephen Cal Crawford. I was able to be there for the birth and it was truly one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed in my life. God is so real in moments like that!! Since their other son Tate was also on Spring Break this week, he got to hang out with us some to give his parents some much needed time to rest. We went to the park for a picnic on Tuesday and then to the beach on Thursday. The boys were silly as always but had a blast together.
Hunting for minnows
On Wednesday, I took the boys to the farm to see Mooma! They loved every minute of it. They visited the chickens, fed the goats, saw a baby calf nursing it's mom, road the tractor with Mr. John, hoed the garden, dug in the dirt, munched on organic apples and strawberries, chased lizards and more. Grady says he can't wait for summer so he can go "work" for Mooma one day a week.
Davis' 1st tractor ride!! It was a great week, but now it's off to school we go! Hope you all have a good Monday!!
Such a great week! I always wondered how anyone could not believe in God after giving birth!