Yep, you guessed it! That will be our little lady's name. We will call her Gwyn for short though since we have such a
ridiculously wonderfully long last name! :) This is the girl name we had chosen 6 years ago when we were pregnant with Grady. We knew the initials would be GAW either way but obviously we didn't end up using it then. She is named after Chris' dad's mom. Chris' grandmother was very special to him. She passed away when he was younger to colon cancer and he has told me that she was quite an awesome lady. I feel honored that we get to name our little girl after her. Anna is a family name from my side. It is my first name, my mom's name and my grandmother's middle name so she will be the 4th generation of Anna's! I cannot wait to get a picture of all of us together! We went for the 20 week ultrasound today. We got to see her little heart beating with all four chambers, her kidneys, her stomach, her bladder, her brain, her spine. Truly children are such a miracle from God!! I take every single appointment where I am told "everything looks good" as a complete blessing.
I ordered her bedding from Pottery Barn about a week ago and in hand it's even cuter than the pic!

Organic cotton of course and not as much lavender as I had wanted but I am hoping Chris will let me paint the walls a pale lavender since that was the color of my room until i went to college. :) Anyway, the plan is to move Davis into Grady's room at the end of May when school gets out and then we can get Gwyn's room set up and ready for her. We are so excited and can't wait to meet her!!