Well, it seems my brain is still functioning on low the past few weeks and I haven't had much extra time to post, but I had to share a little about the Rock N Roll 1/2 Marathon before I forget. My friend Sarah Buck and I ran it together and when I say ran, I mean never walked one step! We did it in 2 hours, 5 minutes, and 51 seconds, which was well below our goal of 2:10 so we were pumped. This was her first half marathon and we trained together for the past 4 months. She did great and it was so fun because each week when we added a mile to our long run, it was the longest distance she had ever run. That being said, we had never gone above 12. So race day comes and we are ready to go! The horn blows and we are off. We wore water belts and zoomed through the water stations without getting trampled by the thousands of other runners vying for a little H2O. There were people shouting encouraging words around each corner it seemed and even once we saw city garbage trucks pulled over and the workers were actually standing there cheering for all of us. It made me so proud to be a Savannian. Now I do want to mention the dreaded mile #12. It wasn't either one of our most shining moments, that is for sure. She started telling me that she couldn't make it one more step and needed to walk. I knew it was mind over matter at that point so I did the only thing I knew to do...YELL! I was literally screaming "throw up if you need to but you are NOT walking...we are almost there" and pulling her arm as we trudged towards the glorious finish line. I warned you it wasn't pretty. Thankfully, she saw her husband and little girl and that gave her just the umph she needed to sprint to the finish. She quickly forgave my butt busting tirade and we enjoyed the feeling of victory. I loved getting to see her accomplish her goal and am so thankful that we could do this together. It is something I will never forget. Now for all of you who don't know her, Sarah is a FABULOUS photographer around here whose business happens to be one of my favs. I have been able to see Sarah Buck Photography grow from day one to what it is today and I couldn't be more proud of her. She will probably kill me for this but I absolutely must share. First the posed and poised after picture:

But this is the awesome picture my hubby took moments before we crossed the finish line!! Have you ever seen joy like this on human beings faces????
It just makes me smile!! Sarah took some pictures of our family this past Sunday and I wanted to share the link. Enjoy her talent!
I hope you all have a great weekend!
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