Sunday, June 19, 2011


Well, I did it...I signed up for the Rock-N-Roll Half Marathon being held here in Savannah in November. Sarah and Emily and I are going to trudge through the 13.1 miles together. We will begin our "official training" in July, so in the meantime, I have been enjoying some "down time." I have discovered Motion Traxx which has FREE downloads that you put on your Ipod. Now the tunes are not all that grand or anything, but they are set to certain beats per minute (bpm) which is awesome for training and/or cross-training. I am obsessed! They have a section called G Series Fit Mixes which have personal trainers coaching you through different types of workouts. I have tried the running and elliptical ones which both kicked my butt. I also tried the Treadmill Interval workout which was craziness that at one point had me running at a 12% incline!! Funny thing is they said these were "moderate intensity." I can't even imagine what "advanced" would be like! Anyway, go check it out and enjoy. We haven't decided what training schedule we are going to use yet but I will share as soon as we decide. This is Sarah's 1st half, Emily's 2nd and my 3rd so we are all meeting in the middle somewhere because we all want to cross the finish together. I think the goal time will be around 2 hours and 10 minutes of pure fun, sweat, and tears! Haha, well lets hope no tears!

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