Well, yesterday was Davis' two year appointment and lets just say it was a doozie! He weighed in at 37.5 lbs and was 37 inches tall; >97th% for both categories!! We discussed his weight and how usually around two it starts to steady out. He gave some helpful hints like skim milk, lowering carbs and calories just in case it didn't slow down. Then we discussed the fact that anytime he plays hard or runs around, he wheezes. Hmmmm, beginning stages of "asthma" most likely so he suggested a daily allergy medicine that helps open the airways. Then came speech! He said we needed to have him evaluated for speech therapy because at two a stranger should understand 50% of what they are saying, and he really couldn't understand much Davis was saying at all. Whew, what an overwhelming 30 minutes! As I lay in my bed last night though, my mind was filled with thoughts of thankfulness for a healthy child that might have a few minor bumps in his road but nothing that will be life altering at this point. I always say he is a big boy. I just didn't know exactly how big. :)

Birthday doughnuts made by Aunt Stacy...yummy
Mimi and Poppy gave him a tricycle....hopefully he can work off some of those carbs!
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