Well, my 31st birthday came and went and I can honestly say it was
probably the most relaxing birthday I have ever had. No fuss over what
to do or how to celebrate. Just fun time spent with family. Davis woke
up that morning with strep throat which you may think sounds awful, but
when that means constant love and snuggles from one of the sweetest
little boys I know, it made for an even better birthday. Thankfully, he
is feeling much better now and I might should mention is attempting to
potty training himself. He has only had about 4 accidents in the past
week and one night even slept in underwear (because Daddy forgot to
switch him to a diaper, oops!), but no worries because he was dry in the
morning and got up and used the potty all by himself!!
I wanted
to take a minute this morning to let you all know that truly miracles do
happen! I have had the most uplifting few months and in this world
filled with so much heart ache and pain, I wanted to take the time to
share these wonderful miracles with all of you. I have been praying for
some people I know for a couple of years and recently they have turned
back to the Lord and truly turned their lives around. I can honestly
say, I didn't think this was possible. I had given up hope in a lot of
ways, but the Lord had His own timing and it is amazing to watch. I also
have been praying about our house for a year and a half. As I told you,
we have a contract on it which so far seems will go through. The
inspection went well Tuesday and the appraisal seemed good to go
yesterday. It looks like the Lord is leading us to rent a house so I
will continue to pray for his guidance as to where He wants us to be
while we look for our permanent home, but I know He will show us.
Lastly, I have been dreading potty training Davis like the black plague.
I have worried and angst-ed over it, even though I know I shouldn't
have. Well, I am sure God is getting a good ole laugh because Davis just
decided last Wednesday to be a "big boy" and relatively speaking it has
been a pretty easy transition so far. Keeping my fingers crossed for
when the "newness" rubs off. I am truly humbled and amazed as always
though by the Lord and His blessings!
Wanted to share a funny
story with you that happened a couple of weeks ago as well. On my way to
BSF I was talking to my mom having a mother/daughter vent session as I
like to call them. I pretty much was going off about the house situation
and being tired of waiting and just that I was ready to see some
answers to all my pleadings with God. I walked in, and was not shocked
to find that the lecture was on James 3-5 which in a nutshell talks
about taming the tongue and the importance of patience. Our first
principle was the most eye opening of all...
"How I talk to others reveals my relationship with God."
If we really stop and think about that, I think we might all have some
adjusting to do, but I sure as heck know I do! She asked the question,
"How are the people around us being affected by the way we talk?"
She also gave these awesome points on how a true friend of God lives:
1. submitting to God daily
2. resisting the devil - life is a battlefield
3. seeks God with passion - desires to communicate with the Lord
4. wants to pursue what is good and put to death the bad
5. treats God seriously knowing that God hates sin
6. trusts God completely - if we humble ourselves, He will work in us!
The last principle we learned that day was "Patience and prayer are necessary for spiritual growth!"
was one of those days where I just knew God had sent that message for
me that day to open my eyes and refocus my heart. I really do feel like
this next month is going to be emotionally and physically draining but
it is my choice to make it spiritually filling and that is what I am
going to attempt to do! Happy weekend!