Is anyone else tired??? I mean dog eared, red-eyed, raising the white flag exhausted! That's how I've been feeling lately, and when I that happens, I know it's time to re-evaluate things. Now let me just say a couple of things have been out of the norm lately.
1) The Rock N Roll 1/2 Marathon is now 17 days away and the training gets really intense towards the end...and...
2) Chris and I went on a 4 day getaway to Las Vegas and boy will the three hour time change kill ya when you come back. It has taken us a week to recuperate....and...
3) Since I've been back, I feel like all I have done is wear my referee shirt everyday. My little men are having quite a time right now with "brotherly love."
Now, let's get to the point of the title of this post. I don't know about you, but when I'm tired (or hungry for that matter), I turn into some crazy
psycho lady who pretty much needs to take a MAJOR chill pill. It seems my level of JOY is the first thing to drop. God has been pointing some interesting things out to me lately about joy. One of the main characteristics of the book of Acts is joy. Our BSF notes a few weeks ago said this. " The source of such joy was not favorable circumstances but the deep awareness of God's forgiveness of sin, the indwelling companionship, guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, the close fellowship with Christians, and the knowledge that God has a unique purpose for each person."
I am convinced with my whole heart that if I died this very second I would be with the Lord for all eternity. I truly love my husband as much as is humanly possible for me. I love my sons, and although they are challenging at times, I am so thankful for them and the blessings that they are for they have changed me for the better and drawn me so much closer to my Heavenly Father. So with all that said, how in the world could joy be a problem for me? Well, it's that little thing called FEAR...fear of the unknown!! I've said it before, but I'm a planner and I want to know each little step. In studying the Bible more and more, I'm seeing a real pattern.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matt 6:34)
""Then Jesus said to his disciples:
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear."" (Luke 12:22)
When Paul was on the road to Damascus and God spoke to him, He gave Paul only one command, “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” (Acts 9:6)
I believe God is saying, "Elizabeth, slow down and take it one day at a time. I will give you the strength you need for today and I want you to be joyful in knowing that "I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."" (Jer 29:11) This sure is hard to do but I sure am going to try my best.
Hope you take the time to listen this week to see what He has for you!
Thought I would leave you with some fun pics of our trip. John and Chris had to go to a conference and Margaret and I were excited to get to tag along! Chris and I agree it may be our one and only visit but watching the Bellagio fountains "dance" to Elvis singing "Viva Las Vegas" was truly an unforgettable moment!
We stayed at the Bellagio Hotel and it was decorated for Fall. Absolutely amazing! |
Look familiar? Pawn Stars baby! |
The testosterone was pumping as these two twins suited up for indoor go cart racing! | |
We went to see the Blue Man Group and Chris got us tickets in the "splash zone" so we all had to wear ponchos. Truly indescribable but lots of fun for sure!
Viva Las Vegas! Our last night there we ate outside and watched the fountains perform for three hours. It was the perfect end to a fun-filled trip with great friends.